
Public domain image via Pixabay.com

Public domain image via Pixabay.com

This poem was an experiment … pushing my comfort level with expressing sexual desire. It was written February 20, 1991.

Let my lips enfold you
     like petals about the stamen
Let my hand caress you
     like the ocean
          caresses the shore
Let my eye behold you
     more beautiful than a Rembrandt
Your touch is like
     the first shock
          of cold water
     the pleasure
          of the swim shortly afterward
     the feeling
          of womb-like safety
               imparted by the water
                    now warm with familiarity
I watch you breathe
     and I am amazed
          and excited
               by the impossibility of life
I hear your voice
     and my body prickles
          with anticipation
The juxtapostion of
     your skin and mine
          is lie that of
     Pygmalion and his Art
Let me be your statue
     at your wish
          your longing
          your desire
Venus gives life
I want you
     like Hunger
          wants Satiation
     like Thirst
          wants Water
Do you want me?

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About the author

Carma Spence is an award-winning, bestselling author of nonfiction, however, she has been writing fiction and poetry for much longer -- just not publishing it. She plans to change that sometime soon.