Tag Archives: fortune cookies

Fortune Cookies

evening starI can be kind of a pack rat at times, so over the past few weeks I’ve been going through all my old files and boxes and clearing out the clutter that no longer serves me.

Among the stuff I found a small collection of fortunes plucked from cookies over the years and thought I’d share them with you.

You will travel far and wide for both pleasure and business.
Well, given that my soon-to-be-ex husband couldn’t make up his mind where we should settle down to start a family, that one came true. In the 13 years we were married, we lived in five different states. Within those states, we lived in 11 different cities. And that still doesn’t give you how many times we moved!

Versatility is one of your outstanding traits.
Hmmm. I guess versatility is what happens to you when you need to constantly expand your skill set so you can remain gainfully employed while moving about the country!

You are going to have a very comfortable old age.
Way too young to know if that one will come true!

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