Orgasm of One

alone in a crowdI was cleaning out my fiction and poetry files this weekend in preparation of renewing my efforts and found this weird little poem I wrote on Oct. 16, 1995. In fact, I don’t remember writing it. It’s in my handwriting and I do remember the line about the streamers, but everything else was like reading something entirely new. Isn’t that fun?

Alone in the world
Crying aloud
Pain unfelt
     but there
     none the less
Open the door
to your heart
but forgot
     to see if anyone
     was there
Cobwebs hang
     where streamers should
Can’t see the trees
     for the forest
Orgasm in a crowd
     but no one notices

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About the author

Carma Spence is an award-winning, bestselling author of nonfiction, however, she has been writing fiction and poetry for much longer -- just not publishing it. She plans to change that sometime soon.