Fingerprinted Magic

fingerprint magicFor a story I’m working on, I came up with the following concept about magic:

There are two kinds of spells – generic and fingerprinted. Only the one who cast the spell can remove a fingerprinted spell.

There are only two reasons to cast a fingerprinted spell – you are the first person to do this kind of spell and it hasn’t become generic yet, or you want to make sure the spell sticks.

It takes a lot of energy to fingerprint a generic spell, so it isn’t done often or lightly.

The loop hole – if the originator dies without releasing the spell – but it is difficult and costly and the person who is enchanted may die in the process.

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About the author

Carma Spence is an award-winning, bestselling author of nonfiction, however, she has been writing fiction and poetry for much longer -- just not publishing it. She plans to change that sometime soon.