Bat-Free Days

sea gull

Western Gull (Larus occidentalis). Image taken in Monterey, CA, USA by User:Dschwen [GNU Free Documentation License] via Wikimedia

Well, I’ve had a month of bat-free days, and yet I still check under my tires when I leave work.

It’s strange how so small an incident can impact your life for a long time. I still remember the first time I tried to rescue an animal. It was an obviously sick seagull hanging out at my high school. I had someone call animal rescue and watched the bird until someone came by to take care of it.

No one came by, of course, until the bell for class had rang. But I still stayed to watch over the bird. When I went to get a pass to get back into class, the admins looked at me like I had just told them the most original lie they had ever heard. But I got my pass anyway.

Later, I called animal rescue. They got the bird, but it died on the way to the vet.

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About the author

Carma Spence is an award-winning, bestselling author of nonfiction, however, she has been writing fiction and poetry for much longer -- just not publishing it. She plans to change that sometime soon.